Things I Should have Said…

Are you one of those people who are very articulate? Who can say funny, witty, good comments, responses, remarks on the spot? If you are, I envy you. I just keep a lot of things I should have said to myself. And one day, I am worried, they are gonna pile up and bury me.Continue reading “Things I Should have Said…”

All the things that you should have said

Are you one of those people who are very articulate? Who say funny, witty, good comments on the spot. If you are, I envy you. I keep a lot of things I should have said to myself. And one day they are gonna pile up and bury me. Sometimes it is because I second guessContinue reading “All the things that you should have said”

Validation has Become an Obsession.

Do we ever do things for our own pleasure and happiness anymore? Everything we do is for likes and hearts on social media. Even outside of the virtual world, we crave the approval of others just as much. Our actions gain meaning as well as purpose if and only if others approve it. Provided itContinue reading “Validation has Become an Obsession.”

My annoying habit of hoarding

Hoarding unwanted things MUST be an evolutionary thing. Otherwise I have no logical explanation for my need to hoard all kinds of things – from caps to nice empty bottles to pouches. I especially have a liking towards smaller things. Cute boxes, wrappings, ribbons and what not. My house is now filled with these randomContinue reading “My annoying habit of hoarding”

Do’s and dont’s of Parenting

Parenting seems to be a very tricky business. I am not a parent yet so I am no expert. But from what I have observed, it is very easy to mess it up. There is a delicate balance that you need to keep in order to be called “successful” at it. Be the most forgiving,Continue reading “Do’s and dont’s of Parenting”

Why I used to be scared of dogs.

Okay, this is a funny story of how I used to hate dogs. Long back when I was young (what a sweet time it was, no worries play, sleep, eat, repeat everyday… Realization has hit me like a block of stones not much has changed minus the carefree attitude😳 Anyway nothing can be done now,Continue reading “Why I used to be scared of dogs.”

My indoor plants and changing hypes..

I have recently gotten myself into all the rave about indoor plants that was going on all around me. They are great no doubt. But it got me wondering about this rising and falling tide of “hypes”. Every other week its a new one: from indoor plants to crocheting to DIY to scarves turned intoContinue reading “My indoor plants and changing hypes..”

Society is so flawed

Okay. Let’s imagine that all you knew in your life is a world filled with deception, theft, poverty, backstabbing and all kinds of bad stuff. So that is all you knew from the time you were young. So that had kind of become your “normal”. And you do something against the law, like say stealingContinue reading “Society is so flawed”

What is the ‘Recipe for Sucess’?

I wonder what the “recipe for success” is. Is there a foolproof recipe? Who knows.. Maybe there is.. work hard, dedication, perseverance. The usual suspects. Rejection can be a heavy blow especially in this era of social media and success stories all around us. For a person like me who has just drifted by, lifeContinue reading “What is the ‘Recipe for Sucess’?”